Context and the VG Archive

When you’re given as much freedom as you are with something as vague as a ‘Digital Artefact’. It can either be relieving, or incredibly stressful. You could enjoy the wide array of choices, or suffer from decision paralysis and not even know where to start - let alone what to do. Despite being pretty indecisive … Continue reading Context and the VG Archive

Prototyping The VG Archive

Over the course of prototyping the VG Archive, I’ve primarily focused on turning the ideas I ideated into functional aspects. During ideating the focus was on the timeline, and an activity function inspired by Letterboxd’s diary function. Moving into prototyping these remained the primary focus. Fortunately, as I had already been workshopping and creating mockups … Continue reading Prototyping The VG Archive

Citizen Journalism Under the Lens

The existence of citizen journalism is less of an organised effort, but rather a natural progression of the increasing tools of content creation being bestowed upon the ‘normal-person’. It seems less likely that the public has taken up a sudden interest in documentation, but rather the increasing affordances of tools such as social media and … Continue reading Citizen Journalism Under the Lens

What is the VG Archive?

It goes without saying that video game conservation isn’t exactly in the best place right now. Between Nintendo’s continual tirade against ROM sites, the almost closure of the PS3 and PSVita online store, and the actual closure of the PSP’s online store, most major gaming companies haven’t exactly earned a reputation for being pro-preservation.  While … Continue reading What is the VG Archive?

Cultural Proximity and Video Games are Weird

The proliferation of video games into the centre of popular culture is unlike many other forms of entertainment (Wolf, M.J.P. 2017). Their rise to popularity are most characterised by their sudden appearance and a rapid progression of innovation. As such, even though video games hold a strong place in current pop culture there exists a … Continue reading Cultural Proximity and Video Games are Weird

Rumours regarding a Nintendo Switch Pro continue following a removed listing on Amazon Mexico

A previous (and now deleted) listing for a supposed ‘New Nintendo Switch Pro’ spotted on Amazon Mexico furthered recent rumours alleging Nintendo would be releasing a hardware revision to their 2017 console, the Nintendo Switch, and has now been furthered by widespread coverage.   After the listing was initially spotted by Twitter user Alphabeat, the Amazon … Continue reading Rumours regarding a Nintendo Switch Pro continue following a removed listing on Amazon Mexico

Listing for a ‘New Nintendo Switch Pro’ allegedly appears on Amazon Mexico

A product listing for a so-called New Nintendo Switch Pro was seemingly active on Amazon Mexico, furthering recent rumours alleging the release of a hardware revision to 2017’s Nintendo Switch.  The listing was made apparent when Twitter user Alphabeat replied to a prominent games account, Wario64 with a screenshot allegedly taken from Amazon Mexico, displaying … Continue reading Listing for a ‘New Nintendo Switch Pro’ allegedly appears on Amazon Mexico