Power to the Audience – A History of #ReleaseTheSnyderCut

There have been little movements in the film industry able to stack up against the recent groundswell which emerged around the ReleaseTheSnyderCut hashtag. While comparable fan support has been observed before, the conversation that was sparked by #ReleaseTheSnyderCut quickly became one of the largest movements in Hollywood History.  Having amassed over 1.4 million tweets, the … Continue reading Power to the Audience – A History of #ReleaseTheSnyderCut

How Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World teaches us to be a better audience

In the most traditional sense, the concept of an ‘audience’ has a very physical and locational connotation. Recently, it seems as if this traditional notion of the audience has begun to dissolve out of necessity (with a certain pandemic to blame). Although I’m somewhat of a content recluse, the advent of social distancing and self … Continue reading How Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World teaches us to be a better audience

The Untapped Potential of a Metroid Movie

It’s time to recognise Metroid as the potential blockbuster powerhouse that it should be. It looks like Brie Larson has kickstarted another round of discussions about the possibility of a Metroid movie, by once again expressing her interest in donning famed bounty hunter Samus Aran’s iconic Power Suit. While reactions to the idea after Larson’s … Continue reading The Untapped Potential of a Metroid Movie